Blog2010 ≫ MJ Hibbett and the Validators Christmas newsletter

It's the last working day of the month for me too! I don't think this means it's pay day though, as we should be working between christmas and new year, it's just holiday rather than shutdown. I very much enjoyed Mark's Totally Acoustic at The Lamb, and will be downloading the podcast of the latest show today! Quiet day at work today I hope, just getting on with things without putting any existing work at risk over the christmas period... then Clare's work do tonight, then a big drive to mum and dad's in the morning, weather permitting...

The Last Working Day Of The Month, Issue 71

(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, December 23rd 2010)

Hello everybody - I know it's not the last working day for EVERYONE today, but it certainly is for me, so let's ROCK!


Thursday 6 January - The Fox & Firkin, Lewisham (Dinosaur Planet returns to Lewisham for the last time)

Sunday 16 January - West Hill Hall Brighton (Chris T-T's Midwinter Picnic all-dayer with Napoleon IIIrd, Serafina Steer, Mister Solo and loads more) tickets -

Saturday 22 January - The Victoria, Birmingham (Dinosaur Planet kicks off the Autumn Store All-Dayer at about 2pm)

Wednesday & Thursday 16/17 February - The Criterion, Leicester (Final Dinosaur Planet shows, at The Leicester Comedy Festival)

Check 1 for more information.


This season of Totally Acoustic has finished with two SPLENDID shows featuring Helen Arney, Tim Eveleigh, Chris T-T and Andy Pocketbooks. They're available HERE: 2

It's been a HECKLOAD of fun doing these - thanks to everyone who's downloaded them, come along and especially those who played. We've got a new season booked for the Spring but before then we've got a SPECIAL edition coming in January, featuring additional tracks from all the acts so far. It's going to be GRATE!


Thanks very much to everyone who's downloaded the Christmas album so far, hope you're enjoying it! It's still VERY MUCH available, HERE: 3

Six songs for two quid, can't be bad can it? And speaking of CHRISTMAS BARGAINS, don't forget the Crazy Christmas Clearout is still going, HERE: 4

Most of our CDs still available for two pound fifty or less - get in quick, it's all over on January 6th!


It's been a pretty eventful year here at Castle Validator, with Dinosaur Planet, Forest Moon Of Enderby, the Totally Acoustic Podcasts, the Fringe, LOADS of compilation appearances, the Christmas album, and some FANTASTIC gigs. It's been LOADS of fun and there's a TONNE more to come next year, when hopefully we'll have the premiere of Moon Horse, more Totally Acoustic, and the release of the CONCEPT ALBUM version of Dinosaur Planet.

I seem to be saying THANKS an awful lot this month, but hey! That's because there is much to be thankful FOR! Thanks LOTS to everyone who's made it all so much fun, not least to your good self for reading me waffling on each month. Hope you have a fantastic Christmas ,an ESPECIALLY wonderful 29th Day Of December ( 5), and see you in the New Year for a whole lot of ROCK!



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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.