Blog2009 ≫ I went to the zoo today

Guess what was the most exciting animal I saw?

I was in training all day today at Port Lympne, and what was the most exciting animal I saw? Yes a squirrel!


OK I did see rhinos and a red panda on my lunch break, and monkeys by the truckload, more pictures to come. Also they messed up my lunch again, thanks guys! They totally forgot me, so I had a hasty (but not tasty) lettuce, cucumber and tomato sandwich again. Still good and useful training and nice to be mixing with people from work but out of the office.

Thanks to @philipbeel for this tip off 1... it's really putting me off even going to FOWA next week! It's like the fake gathering of hundreds of "friends" on Facebook and so on, except actually face to face being near these people!

The more people you meet and special tasks you complete during the conference, the more points and "badges" you'll be awarded. If you earn a high enough rank, you'll be able to post public messages to the entire audience and win awesome prizes.

What the hell? It sounds about the worst idea I have ever ever heard, except that I remember thinking that Twitter was the worst thing I'd ever heard of a few years ago, and now I think it's alright... I bet I get suckered into this stupid thing.

FOWA is the future of web apps, a conference in London next week, see you there?

Also new version of Picasa, with face tagging, hopefully trying that out even before I actually post this blog post. Want to get my pictures off my camera to illustrate this. Oh and side wiki too, I think I like the idea... better as a firefox plugin though, I'm sure one is on the way...

  1. Originally a link to

💬 RE: I went to the zoo today - 12940

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.