Blog2009 ≫ Saw a GREAT house at the weekend

Bah too small. Good weekend though.

But boo, it was too small! I've decided this is my ideal location in Canterbury though, just off Old Dover Road, everything just looks nice. This was actually on between Old Dover Road and New Dover Road. This house is under budget, three bedrooms, nice garden and off road parking, what on earth would be wrong with it? Just too small for us :-( It was really nicely done and made good use of space, but downstairs was just a small (but fab) kitchen and lounge, no room for a table in the kitchen and would be a bit of a squeeze in the lounge too by the time we'd put our other furniture in there. Upstairs (not one but TWO sets of stairs, going to the front and the back of the house) There were three bedrooms, only one of them was a double though. So one room fine for a baby, one room just about fine for us (if we used the built in wardrobes and got rid of our own) but the third was only a single, and we really need a constant stream of visiting grandparent babysitters so we can be going out and making use of all the bright lights Canterbury has to offer.

The garden was nice, landscaped, shed, big enough for our little baby to be running around in one day, and had a driveway at the end of the garden that had been enclosed on all sides. So basically a garage in everything but planning permission... One odd thing about the garden was there was a second shed, brick built, really nice looking, crooked old tiles on the roof... but no way in to it. It was the log store or coal shed of the big house next door, but built into the garden of this house. Bit strange, but the place next door was BIG, there is a grand four story terrace to one side of this house. Now those houses would be big enough, but I'm guessing more than double our budget.

We will keep looking...

The house is old, there is no danger of getting permission for it to be extended there either.

Rest of the day was very good though. Had a bit of a sort through the drawers before we went out looking for any more Euros we could change back up, and found a whole bundle of Croatian Kune (alongside a depressing amount of now defunct currency from other countries). Changed it all up for two hundred English pounds! This funded the rest of the day, nice lunch in Canterbury Whole Foods, some wine from Karl's Good Food.

Had a night in, drinking wine and watching A Touch Of Frost.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town. Married + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.