Blog2008 ≫ MJ Hibbett's Exciting Life In Rock is off to Edinburgh NOW!

(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, July 31st 2008)

Hello all, and welcome to this FESTIVAL FUNTIME edition of the newsletter. Let's GO!


This month I shall doing the SHOW hither and thither:

Thursday July 31 - Boston Music Rooms2, London (launch night for Apples For Everyone's new album - I'm onstage at 8.15!)

Monday August 4 to Saturday August 9 - Medina, Edinburgh (My Exciting Life In ROCK3 at The Edinburgh Fringe, 6-7pm)

Monday August 4 to Thursday August 7 - Lower Stage, Edinburgh (20 minute slot every day from 3.50pm)

Saturday August 9 - Upper Stage, Edinburgh (20 minute slot from 3.30pm.)

Friday August 15 - Lumb Farm4, Derby (The Blyth Power Summer Fayre with Pog, Eastfield, Blyth Power and more - I'm on at 9pm)

Saturday August 30 - Ray's Mum's Back Garden5, Stourbridge (The Grand Annual Tradition CONTINUES!)

If you can make it to Edinburgh it'd be GRATE to see you - more information at myexcitinglifeinrock.com6


This month has been a bit taken over with My Exciting Life In ROCK3, with THREE shows - first of all the dress rehearsal at The Lamb, then a Press Preview at The Cross Kings and finally the full band performance on the Friday night at Indietracks7. They were all BRILLIANT fun, and thanks VERY much to everyone who came, especially those who came to more than one and earned themselves a Special Badge!

I also did some BITS of the show in Sheffield, kicking off an amazing night of The Pete Green Corporate Juggernaut8, The School9 and Slow Down Tallahassee10, and some more in Marylebone with the fantastic Superman Revenge Squad. The final gig of the month so far was in my Mum's back garden, where I was amazed to find that not everybody over 50 knows the words to Besame Mucho11!


"It Only Works Because You're Here" is out NOW, and very much available to buy, either from us, Thee SPC, Amazon, iTunes, and a Wide Variety Of Other Stockists. Details of many of them can be found here12.

The video is also online, HERE:

Links to the video are, as ever, VERY much appreciated, and if you've not got a copy of the single yet I'd HEARTILY recommend it - three brand new tracks and a mini-GRATEST HITS, how can you go wrong?


It's been a super glitzy showbiz month for me this month - I've been to several GRATE gigs (Lazarus Clamp14 and The Gresham Flyers15, as well as that MEGA line-up in Sheffield), a book launch ("Wiffle Lever To Full" - ACE), a preview screening ("No Heroics16" - REALLY good), and had a go at ANOTHER song for a telephone advert... which once again didn't make it, but still. Truly, i have been MR SHOWBIZ! Hopefully that'll stand me in good stead for the week of Showbiz Parties, Champagne, and hanging out in the Cocktail Bar with [abe]Eddie Izzard[/abe] and [abe]The Mary Whitehouse Experience[/abe] - that IS what Edinburgh will be like, right?

We'll find out soon enough - thanks for listening, and see you next month!

Cheers, Mark

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.