Merry Christmas everybody
There's a very slim chance that I won't be sat in front of the computer again before christmas (though I know the wife will laugh when she sees this), so merry christmas everyone, hope you have a good one.
I wrote that yesterday, but didn't hit send, doh, and hey look, here I am back again, how ironic. I also originally added:
Off to Canterbury today for a change, just to get some lunch really, might top up a couple of people's giftage with small treats too, you never know.
We bought loads of food and drink and schlepped round some bars. We did Zizzi for lunch for the first time, very nice, especially the building it's in. Felt a bit pricey to me, but we did have starters and wine (and main courses) so I suppose 35 quid is OK 1. If we go back in January we have a voucher now for a free bottle of wine. I sat in The Brewery Tavern for an hour while Clare finished her shopping, then we tried to go to The Cuban for a happy hour cocktail, but it was closed for a private party. We stopped in the Wetherspoons for one to figure out where to go where we might find a cocktail instead, and remembered the Boudoir Bar, where we had an average but expensive champagne cocktail, and then headed home. We had an evening in in anticipation of a few big nights out to come this week, but it wasn't all that quiet as we had a go at making some champagne cocktails of our own.
Today the holiday really starts, Clare's bro Kevin is arriving from the Americas, with his girlfriend Guiselle. They've landed already and we're off to see them within the hour.
Sounds like new people have moved in upstairs, I can hear them stomping about. There have been workmen coming and going, not sure what they've been doing I hope they've not taken the carpets up 2.
⬅️ My gigography :: Maille Mustard ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.