Blog2007 ≫ Programming is a poetry for our time

A fairly new song up on MJ Hibbett's youtube channel1, not actually a new song, nor actually even new to youtube as it's been up there for a few days already, but hey I've not seen it and you probably haven't either, so let's pretend it's all new and shiny and just enjoy it:

In case you're reading this from (as I KNOW some of you are. Well one of you) or you've hit upon the new phpalised version of this page, where my youtube links might not be working, go straight there and see it in situ2, or maybe it's embedded in Hibbett's official site3 somewhere.

What a dreary day it is here today. It generally does look a bit dull when I'm here at work as our office has tinted windows like some pimp daddy low-rider, and the sky always looks grey from my desk. However today I have taken the time to look out of a plain glass window, and it's crappy there too.

Writing this on my lunch break, and watching the new series of Heroes out of the corner of my eye, as a mate is watching it on his computer, we saw it last night and I liked it. It was like the first series all over again, started off a bit cheesy but I was soon gripped by it, hope it keeps up the standard. What was that faux English mistaken for a Japanese all about? Did he really say "black guard" instead of "blackguard"? PAH!

Also watching and listening to and reading Rebus and Midsomer Murders at the moment, we've just upped our dvd rental plan45 to unlimited disks per month, though just the one disk at home at a time, so we're likely to be limited to about 8 disks a month at most because of the postal turnaround... this is new for Amazon:

Did you know?

New from DVD Rental4: Unlimited Rental Plans. Rent as many discs as you want each month. Plans cost 8.49 (1 disc at home at a time), 11.49 (2 discs at home at a time) and 14.49 (3 discs at home at a time). You can change your rental plan by going to "Your Account", then selecting "Manage DVD Rental Account Information".

We're on the 8.49 option, and the scheme is well recommended. Whenever they've made a mistake or a disk has got lost they've fixed it up really quickly. All the postage is prepaid, it's a nice easy scheme.

Just got an alert that a Folkestone flat is to be featured on homes under the hammer, probably that was today, and we've missed it bah. Would be interesting to see what they say about the area...

Frank Skinner tonight.

💬 Frank Skinner

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.