Blog2006 ≫ Baby baby, where did our weekend go?

Action packed weekend, yet again quite literally TWO daytime trips out of the house that were not just to the shop or the pub, what is going on? We had such a full weekend that I had just about no time for larking about on the computer or even sitting watching TV, so I'm a little behind on my ripping / burning / watching plans. The computer is mostly working well though right now, I have burned data disks and even a real style DVD (with [so I know it all works. Soon I will be editing myself a masterpiece I'm sure. The Oscar to go with BAFTA 1 can surely only be a matter of time...

Went for a picnic on Saturday, a stroll through town to the East side of Folkestone as it was such a nice day, I think Folkestone looks GREAT in those pictures. OK, so the pictures are mostly taken away from the town, but still, it's nice that this is walking distance from our flat. Saturday night we headed into Hythe, a few drinks in The Butt of Sherry for the first time, which was great. It could easily become my favourite pub, except for one thing - they have a picture of Jimmy Saville up behind the bar, what's that all about? Anyway, nice cosy characterful pub, the food looked good too. We opted for a curry though, on to Everest also for the first time, and that was a lovely Nepalese meal. Only upset of the day was the three quarters of an hour wait for a taxi home, bah.

Sunday we headed to Ashdown Park with Mum and Dad and the inlaws and everyone, quite a possee. Ashdown Park is a hotel now, that was a convent, and the chapel of the convent had some spectacular Harry Clarke windows - Harry was Clare's great-grand-uncle. I've seen a few before in Ireland and in Miami, but these were the most impressive so far. It's great the way the chapel's been converted, a mezzanine floor cuts right through the building, so windows that would have been forty feet up in the air are now at eye level. It's great to get right up close to this, and FRIGHTENING to think what they're worth. And that they're not owned by anyone in the family now, bah. We had a great meal in a pub called The Black Peter too. All round, a very nice day and weekend.

AAARGH thanks for that Ro 2,thanks for that Ro.

Just remembered, I did find some computer time, I've had a play with Picasa, and it's fabulous, hoping that if I tag pictures there before uploading them to Flickr it'll recognise all the geotagging and things too. Wonder if there's info on this in the flickr geotagging group.

Busy today I'm sure, IT manager is away so any IT related queries will fall to me...

  1. I did win a BAFTA, kind of, I've not actually touched it though it's with the BBC...
  2. frightening USB bear

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.