Blog2006 ≫ Another action packed weekender

The new computer est arriv! Had no time to play with it yet as it's been such a busy weekend, and so had no time to get pictures off the camera yet, so my weekend diarisation and explanation is without illustration so far, sorry (see pictures by my friends here 1).

Headed down to Mum and Dad's straight after work on Thursday, no probs on the journey, and the trains were new and nice, it's been a while since I did London to there by train.

Friday was Fido and Debs' wedding at the Meon Valley Country Club, and it was fabulous. I don't konw what they did to get weather like that but it was an amazing day, and right on a golf course, with free access to some golf buggies, who could ask for more than that? Much boozing, great fun, snaps to follow.

Saturday we were planning to watch the football at home with Mum and Dad, but as they were going out anyway and not likely to be back in time for the game we latched onto a hastily organised football barbecue at Dave and Sabine's. Not the most thrilling game, but the right result. On to see my sister and her family after this, where I made the fatal mistake of having a go on their new humungous trampoline, who'd have thought that would be so tiring or sweat inducing? The nephews have even more disgusting pets, and the existing disgusting pets have got enormous too, blee.

Saturday night we were planning on eating out, but we were still so stuff from the barbecue we went to Port Solent for a few drinks, taking in Wetherspoons, Watermark, The Mermaid, and back to the Wetherspoons again.

Sunday we thought we had a clever plan for getting from Portchester back home to Folkestone; Clare's uncle was arriving from Ireland, so if we could get to Gatwick to meet his flight, we could get a lift back to Folkestone in no time! We made good time to the airport and got there just before he did, but on our way back via the ever smashing M25 we got caught up in this accident 2 and were at a standstill, engines off and everything, for nearly three hours. We can only have been about a minute behind the smash, so I guess you were lucky. Finally got to the in-laws for another barbecue, then home for one episode of House 3 4 and bed.

Having a little picnic at my desk now with yesterday's barbecue leftovers. Looking forward to having a proper go on the computer. It's nice and fast, and I put it on the home network already, but I still have to install all the software and things I like on it (and uninstall all the AOL and other rubbish), and then try me out some DVD burning, arrr...

  1. No, pictures are gone from here.
  2. Originally had "an accident that barely merits one line here,,2-2221582,00.html but that Times link no longer works and there actually was a BBC story after all.
  3. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
  4. I felt the need to put a tooltip note on this of "Hugh Laurie in an ace American medical drama?tag=clarkeology-21".

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.