Blog2005 ≫ London Crawling

Great weekend in London, a bit of a change of scene for us. Came up Saturday afternoon, and did a bit of shopping, a nice new pair of trousers and a shirt, to wear to the evening's party. This was at The Corner Store for Stu and Alice's wedding, and was a boozy dancing affair, truly great... As we had an hotel for the night 1 (nice, but SMALL ROOM, they rammed too many features into a small space to get their star rating up) and weren't rushing off anywhere we were just about the last to leave, and then we went off looking for even later drinking and dancing. Ended up at Frog at the Mean Fiddler 2, though we probably got there too late for the Towers of London 3. Had no idea there was a band playing or anything, we just thought we get some old school Club X style indie dancing. It was a bit rubbish though, everyone there was too young. They've got younger, we've not got older.

Sunday was SQUIRREL-TASTIC. First we went to Spitalfields market for lunch and a bit of a mooch around. It's been all change since we last went, the old market has been squeezed right up and wasn't really fun to wonder around. Met up with some friends and Clare got her Square Pie 4, so all was OK.

Bussed over to St James Park after lunch, with a pocket full of nuts, to feed squirrels. Man they're so cute, and plentiful, and friendly, so stay tuned on flickr for more squirrel pictures. You know you love it.

Last night we did a little crawl of pubs around parliament, and then headed to my favourite curry house The Punjab 5. Hotel again, so had a leisurely breakfast, not such an early start, no long commute, and still in work on time. Looking forward to getting home though, I don't like being away for too long...

Sneezing a bit today, hope it's not bird flu...

Ooh, free game - Prince of Persia 6. I liked that.

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  2. Removed old link here.
  3. Removed old link here.
  4. Removed old link here.
  5. Removed old link here.
  6. Removed old link here.

💬 RE: London Crawling - 4037

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.