Blog2003 ≫ PEACE!

The nephews have gone home, it's been a fantastic week, but tiring... haven't spent that much time with them both, EVER! Looking forward to our family holiday we've just booked for 20 of us in Greece somewhere.

Today; washing, tidying, sitting, watching telly, cooking a big old Chilli, and a bit more watching the telly.

PopEx came back up in the end yesterday, but someone's password protected up the message board, not sure why... Oh, it was me, must have been in the wrong directory when I did that, what on earth was I meaning to do?

DAMN The Darkness have moved their Reading appearance, they now play on the Friday (and Leeds on the Saturday) - I hoped the new appearance was going to be as well as their other appearance. As the White Stripes have pulled out too the Saturday lineup is looking weaker and weaker, it's only Blur that saves it, still not sure whether to go or not. They've announced some proper US and Canada dates at last, not that that helps me. They play Bowery Ballroom1 in New York on 18 September, Lee's Palace2 in Toronto on 20 September and theroxyonsunset.com3The Roxy in Los Angeles on 22 September...

Possibly not having a day of sleeping, nipping out now to meet Ralph who has been playing football in Stokey... will it be The Defoe or The Vortex..?

The AAS gig at The Windmill4 was top, good to see Hibbett and that again, shame that venue is a bit of a trek from Stokey. Would be ace to get him a gig up here some time. <NERD>Man that Windmill site is slow to load, they have every button on there as a seperate Java applet, why do people do stuff like that?

On a nerdy tip I have just submitted this weblog to popdex and weblogs5 and blogrolling and GeoURL6 to see what happens... All this mutual masturbation of links is a bit fake, but it's nice to think it might result in one more person [s]buying stuff from my links[/s] listening to what little I have to say...</NERD>

We're off to the cinema tomorrow to see Pirates of the Caribbean7... not at the Screen on the Green though as they're only showing foreign movies. American is foreign! Bah...

💬 Suede tickets

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Married to Clare and father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.