Anyone worried about what Dave Rowntree was going to be left out of Blur's solo t'ings need WORRY NO MORE...
Anyone worried about what Dave Rowntree was going to be left out of Blur's solo t'ings need WORRY NO MORE - according to Graham Coxon it looks like Dave will be touring with him. Graham's touring band may also include Idlewild's Roddy Woomble.
Alex James is working on Fat Les' Summer campaign (a new version of funeral fave "Jerusalem", and Damon Alblur is probably writing an opera or something.
The content here originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site Some of this written by other people, but mostly editorial originally created by me. I shifted this content here when popex finally shut down in the early '00s. Hopefully this ignites memories (if you read this).