Anthony Reynolds (of Jack) Neil-Diamonded his way through a variety of old and new material at Spitz last night...
After an apprehensive start for we, the punters, with no support, and tables set up cabaret style around the stage, Anthony and his band hit the stage. There is more than a hint of David Gedge about his appearance, will the new Jacques material be strangled vocals about loves lost?
No. He's instantly Neil-Diamonding his way through "London Loves You" (from the new album), and it's clear that he can carry this off without the rest of the band. And now "a song about fellatio" - "This Is What You Do", also from the new long player...
A couple more numbers and he's joined by JOHN HEGLEY! Or is it (as billed) Kirk Lake? Kirk Hammet? To be honest it might as well be Kurt Cobain, it's time for a toilet break, this is as close to an intermission as we'll get.
"Dress You In Mourning" sounds a bit too plinky plonky, we're missing the band for the first time. To rub salt into this, Anthony dedicates the song to "absent friends... and members of Jack, except [3 names I didn't catch]" - what's that all about?
An encore, of Anthony solo, and two Jack numbers - 3 O'Clock In The Morning and F.U. are very welcome, and a rendition of "Wherever I Lay My Hat That's My Home" rounds the gig off to the delight of the crowd.
Jack are releasing a new album, and Jacques release "To Stars" in May.
💬 Jacques
This content originally from my very popular (in the tail end of the '90s) site Parts were contributed by other people, so mostly editorial originally created by me. I replicated this content here when popex finally closed down in the early '00s. Hope this ignites memories assuming you find it.