Blog2024 ≫ I bought some vinyl singles

Charity shop finds in Hythe, I was first drawn in by the old generic advert sleeve, and then spotted it was Elvis, and then that it was Guitar Man. My favourite. Shame it plays a bit crackly, hoping it will improve with a clean. No scratches, but maybe just been well loved.

Elvis Presley Guitar Man seven inch single

Also this David Bowie, again a generic sleeve, and not the right sleeve for this single. Plays well.

David Bowie Sound And Vision seven inch single

This Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton classic has its correct sleeve, and plays better.

Islands In The Stream seven inch single

The singles were part of an odd little collection. Lots of Bee Gees in there, and Bee Gees solo. Even that Kenny and Dolly is written by The Bee Gees and produced by one of them too. Also I notice all the singles I bought were on the same record label, RCA Victor. Were all the records in that shop actually on that label? Is an odd coincidence.

There was a Beatles album "With The Beatles" in mono, but it was £25. I think that is a fair price for it. Might go back.

Bought all these on our lunchtime trip to Hythe, we had a lovely lunch in Ivy's. They seemed to be very much under pressure, not enough staff, and they had run out of lots of things. I did OK with my avocado and salsa sandwich though it seemed to be missing a garnish. Clare's egg sandwich was lacking cress. T2 was pleased with his chicken burger, and the side salad was good, just that he is a little salad dodger. T1 wanted something with chilli beef and they were all out, then they didn't have his substitute either, but his bacon loaded fries were good for him. I even managed a cheeky half of real ale in the Potting Shed on the way in to Hythe. A good day!

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + dad to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.