Blog2024 ≫ Second night on call went less smoothly

Got woken up at 2am by a call. Not a big incident though, had already passed by the time the alert went off, so back to bed. I went back to bed, then got straight up again because I was sure it was going to go off again. There was an "improvement" I'd made recently that sends a message to say "everything's good, the incident is over", but in some circumstances this new message could wake someone up too. This time it did not. Could not sleep when I did go back to bed. It disturbed Clare as well.

Super busy all day as well with incidents, didn't get a lot done that I had planned at the beginning of the day, but I did solve a few things in my head. Only a half day tomorrow so no time to get anything done, and that half day includes at least two meetings and my end of year review. Good to have done some time on call just in time for that, it was one of the only negative points last year that I do not do on call. Points scored! Everyone who does on call is saying the chances of getting called in the night has gone right down since I made my improvements, I must bring that up in my tomorrow...

I have offered to do another shift on call at the end of this month, a whole week and it takes up the bank holiday. This means no going to the pub over the bank holiday weekend, no going anywhere very far, but it does pay really well. And it is second line on call which means the first person has to have been called and failed to answer or failed to solve the problem before I get called.

Clare has gone to a wedding reception tonight, and drove in the end. Glad she did not take up my offer of a lift. I was going to have to take the laptop with me in the car ready to dial in if anything happened.

Twenty years since The Darkness last played Camden Barfly, the third of the three music passport charity gigs that I went to.

Justin Hawkins of The Darkness at Camden Barfly 2004

There was free energy today1, and there is more tomorrow.

A clear sky and a moderate breeze, 3 - 10℃.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.