Blog2024 ≫ Febrewery 18/16

Another missed Febrewery opportunity possibly, but I really wanted to go back to The Potting Shed today, so that was my plan. I did have to drop the car off for Clare before that, and walk back home. That took me through Sandgate, and though I wasn't really feeling like it I stopped for a half in Docker. I had their brown ale, partly because I didn't see the one real ale they had on, something from Hop Fuzz. Twice I've tried cask ale in this place since Docker took it over, and each time it wasn't good, so probably for the best.

I got home about the same time as Clare, and then went straight out. Bus to The Potting Shed. Was all very nice but I got a bit cornered by a semi-regular who had some odd views about the council, so I paid my bill and left. Then to The Hope for a disappointing pint of ale that I could not finish. So back to The Potting Shed again until closing time, and it was really good. No sign of a bus going back the other way so just walked home.

So my Febrewery list so far:

  1. The Potting Shed1, Hythe.
  2. The Bouverie Tap, Folkestone.
  3. The Radnor Arms, Folkestone.
  4. The Chambers, Folkestone.
  5. The British Lion, Folkestone.
  6. The Ship, Folkestone2.
  7. Blackmarket, Folkestone.
  8. Kipps' Alehouse, Folkestone.
  9. The Samuel Peto 3, Folkestone.
  10. Harvey's, Folkestone.
  11. The Parcel Yard, Kings Cross, London.
  12. The Nailbox, Folkestone.
  13. The Ship, Sandgate.
  14. The Just Reproach1, Deal.
  15. The Sir Norman Wisdom 3, Deal.
  16. The Clarendon, Sandgate.
  17. Docker, Sandgate.
  18. The Hope, Hythe.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.