Blog2024 ≫ Febrewery 10/3

Slowed down the Febrewery pace again on Saturday, even though I had the full day to myself. Had to go and pick the boys up later, so no real pubbing for me. After parkrun I took the boys to Grandpa's house for the day, then to Tesco for the pay day shop up. Did not shop to excess, no booze or anything, still keeping the new year healthiness keeping going a bit (despite yesterday's evidence to the contrary). Faffed about a bit, then went to Ashford to try and replace Clare's hat. She bought a new hat there last week, I lost it when we were in London. Tried to replace it, but they'd all sold out. Brought the car back to her at work, and walked home. Via Harveys, where they were showing the Rugby. If I had not had the boys to collect later I could have meandered my way through Sandgate. But no, straight home. Just time to make and eat my tea, then collect the boys again. Then watch Gladiators on TV, it was a good one.

So my Febrewery list so far:

  1. The Potting Shed, Hythe.
  2. The Bouverie Tap, Folkestone.
  3. The Radnor Arms, Folkestone.
  4. The Chambers, Folkestone.
  5. The British Lion, Folkestone.
  6. The Ship, Folkestone.
  7. Blackmarket, Folkestone.
  8. Kipps' Alehouse, Folkestone.
  9. The Samuel Peto (Wetherspoons), Folkestone.
  10. Harvey's, Folkestone.

Today (Sunday) I have a big list of chores, washing, cooking, tidying, maybe garden? Unlikely.

Got some free energy from 8pm so I will be careful with the times of my drying and ironing. Need to do a few loads though, so some of it is unfortunately going to be on my own dollar. Sign up here1.

Light cloud and a fresh breeze, 6 - 13℃.

Some gig history for today, Travis, Ash, 60ft Dolls, and even Sir Billy Connolly this day in 1997. But none of the pleasingly round numbers.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.