That's right, NINE pubs done by day two of Febrewery. Have to be careful not to be all hare-and-tortoise about how well this has started.
Friday evening, finish work, straight out. Annoyingly got called into a meeting that overflowed into the time I'd planned to be out, but ah well, doesn't happen often. I had the car because of the arrangements wearlier, so picked my friend up, drove to Folkestone and handed the car over to Clare.
First to Bouverie Tap, the not-quite-micropub where we had our festive dinner. A good first pub, and good first pint of real ale (a session pale) and a chance to vent.
Next to The Radnor Arms, as it's next closest. It's not normally on our circuit, but my friend always mentions it, sys we went there once before on a night out and I don't think we did. It's more foodie, we could stand at the bar but we did feel in the way. It's a nice place to sit down, but it's no longer a pub. And they overcharged me in there, though they did fix it. Some good looking cocktails there but we had London Pride, the only beer on offer.
Next, Chambers, why not? Old school! It was quite quiet in there but alright for us. I think it picks up a bit later, though now news is out that it is up for sale people are people avoiding it like it's already gone? Shame.
Now The British Lion in The Bayle, another good pub, another good beer, we are on a roll. We had tried to go here recently, but it has odd opening hours. Worked well today though. Charles Dickens drank in this pub. He was not there today.
Next to The Mariners in the harbour, as my friend said they did good Indian food upstairs and he had been trying to go recently. But, it was shut, the whole pub dark. No food for us so into The Ship next door. Not to be confused with the one in Sandgate. Looks like they had four ales on, we ordered one of their own beer. It was disgusting vinegar, straight back. So another London Pride. Also bad, not as bad as the first, but too bad to finish. Didn't send this one back, we just left. Maybe it's trying to keep barrels going too long during the quiet period. I hope it improves, it is a cosy pub.
Now a real wildcard, I had seen there was a new place on Tontine Street and it seemed to be a rock pub. It's a bar, and sort of alternative sort of biker atmosphere. It sold cans and bottles, and I thought it was ok. It's called Blackmarket I think.
We just kept going, as we had mostly halves really, so next to Kipps Alehouse, and an actual pint, a good pint, back on the real ale again now, and it was good.
Finally, to the Wetherspoons! Still no food, we had tried other places on the way but it's getting late now. Half a cider for me and a long walk home. We were still walking after midnight so that's why my step count is so huge for Saturday, some of it is just very late Friday.
And, as already reported, I was fine for Parkrun the next day.
So my Febrewery list so far:
⬅️ I get up when I want, except on Saturdays :: Health stats 4/2/24 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.
🏷 febrewery 🏷 folkestone 🏷 bouverie tap 🏷 potting shed 🏷 hythe 🏷 chambers 🏷 kipps
Yep, deliberately unstyled.