Blog2023 ≫ They have only gone and named one of the storms again

It's Storm Debi this time and I thought it was restricted to the North, but they are illustrating that stor y there with a picture from Folkestone, so who knows. I've just been out for a post-work pre-dinner walk and it was very windy indeed.

40Kph winds and a clear sky, 9 - 13℃.

Clare is on her week of lates now. Her shifts are so bad, there always seems to be something inconvenient or unpleasant. I can be thankful we had the weekend, a good weekend, where we even managed to go out together, but this week it's nights, last week it was her week of long days, and before that the actual nightshifts. These lates are just a bit boring for me. I have to be first one up to do breakfast for T1 and then make the packed lunch (only one today at least) and then make the dinner and then shout the boys into bed, and then try to go to bed early but be disturbed when she comes in anyway. I wish she had a different job. Or no job. But we don't have quite enough money for that.

Some gig history from this day, in 2001 in Hackney there was something, and I bet it was The Darkness though my only ticket evidence says The Cut, who I have not heard of. I was confusing it for a bit with The Rub, Reni Stone Roses' band at Camden Underworld. But it's not that. Then 1999 David Devant And His Spirit Wife who I'd like to see again sometime soon, and then back to 1996 it was Gene and Tiger and Divine Comedy and maybe another of the bands that Clare liked a bit more than I did. Even though I don't think she came to this, or at least not with me. At Soho Live, so the LA2 maybe? A Radio One Evening Session event that was on all week and I think I went to all of.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.