The boys carved pumpkins and we put them out even they're both out at other parties. Only two local families have come round here so far. I suppose they're local, Clare went to the door and didn't recognise them. It's surely getting a bit late and dark now for kids young enough to be doing this to be out.
I still have to go and pick both of ours up from two places in wildly opposite directions.
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.
Yep, deliberately unstyled.