Blog2023 ≫ Friday night out out

Quite a productive day at work Friday. Fully achieved the main thing that is going to be of benefit to everyone and meets my security objectives, but my other "dashboards as code" thing is still a work in progress. 90% there.

Boys had been off all day just gaming. Inset day for both of them, so an early start to half term.

Clare came in at six and I headed straight out. First to The Clarendon to meet some friends then a taxi from there to Three Hills Sports Centre for the quiz. This is the quiz we won last time when Clare and T1 were there, how would we fare without them..?

At the half way point we were one mark behind the leaders. The categories looked good, there was TV themes, music, general knowledge, no sport, ideal for us. I was surprised how badly I did on TV themes and music but luckily other team mates were on form. So, we won, again, defending champions triumphant. We had a different name this time, now we no longer go to the Inn Doors, so did anyone even know we had won twice?

Taxi home. Well, not quite home. We stopped at The Fountain so thought we'd pop in for a last one. There was a really good band playing called Turmoil, all rock covers. Will definitely check them out again. Apart from that it was not that busy but the few that were in there were very lively. There was no ale, so we ordered Neck Oil and that ran out before they could give us two pints. There was a promising looking cider on but it smelled of pickled onions so I sent it straight back. What is a pub if it can't serve you a drink eh? There's a reason we never go in there.

No parkrun this morning.

This looks a good train trip1, quite a price.

Ooh AC/DC exactly twenty years ago today in 2003, I think that means The Darkness twenty years ago tomorrow at the same venue, Hammersmith Odeon.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Married + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.