Blog2023 ≫ Let's do the weekend in reverse order then

Just back from our weekend in London. Crazy weather there and crazy weather here too. Clare dropped me off at the Potting Shed on the way back so I just had the last hour there which was lovely.

We drove back from Greenwich, because of course we were there in the car because of the train strike.

We had lunch at the Prince Of Greenwich, our second trip there of the weekend. I think we were lucky to get in as it as so busy because of the Greenwich half marathon. Was just a strict menu this time when we visited, did we push out luck slightly last time ordering off menu..? We each had a pizza, plus bruschetta and salad and was delcious. I had a half of real ale too. The lunch was a great call as the morning had been a bit gloomy, feeling the end of the weekend, we thought about heading home early.

The whole of Greenwich was absolutely heaving. We did not know anything about this run until we got there and saw them starting to close the roads. Did not affect us where we had to drive or where we were parked under the hotel. Mo Farah was there but I did not see him. We thought about me running this half marathon next year, coming up for it. This also reminded me, did I agree to do a half marathon in Rye next year too..?

We had a walk around Greenwich this morning, in the market and around the park. We were hoping to get some vegan food from the market that we'd seen on the Saturday morning. While the stall was there again, there was no food on it and no person to run it, so no food for us.

Back to Saturday in the next post...

Pizza lunch at the Prince Of Greenwich

💬 The Mousetrap

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.