Blog2023 ≫ Finally had our anniversary pay day dinner out

We went to Luben last nigh. It's not my favourite place but Clare likes it a lot and so do the boys. I think they have reduced the vegan menu even more and the prices are up but it was ok.

The menu is now evasively worded "all dishes contain dairy, but you can replace the cheese with vegan cheese". I asked the waitress1, does this mean there is other dairy in there even if I swap out the cheese? She said no, but it's how it reads to me.

Feeble number of steps yesterday, as really into the work I was doing so did not take a break for lunch, and then we drove to Folkestone and back later.

Got some days off coming up around the bank holiday, but I've got a lot to do at work still. The extra thing I did at the weekend (mostly automatically building a copy-and-pastable impact statement that we can use when there is an incident, rather than rushing round various dashboards trying to work out stats) went down very well indeed

I think that settings change on the boiler might be significant. The last few days my "bill by the time I get up" has been down 10p on the previous week fairly consistently, from over a pound to about 90p. It can only be automatic / background things like that using energy then. So if it's saving 10p in those seven hours it might be saving me 30p per day over twenty-four hours. So it's cost me about £750 to 1500 over the life of the boiler! And being more positive it could save me £750 over the next seven years. This is all based on energy prices being the same as now, and they were not, and hopefully they will not be. And it all might be coincidence. I will have to do more processing!

Twenty-three years ago today we were at a secret Pulp warmup gig at Highbury Garage

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Married + father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.