Blog ≫ 2023 ≫ Energy use update for archive
Mon Aug 7
We obviously used less energy while we were away, but disappointingly not no energy . I think I turned everything off but still our background usage (the fridges and the router ) come to about £2.30 per day. See the huge boost when we were fully back and doing washing and drying all day on the Saturday, up to £9.30.
Energy usage graph while we were mostly on holiday, electricity and gas - 🕖 is cost at getting up time...
Graph line from 1.49 to 71.75p last week
p last week
Graph line from 1.44 to 87.46p
🕖 £0.75
By 7:00 on Mon Jul 31 cost was £0.75
8:00 is peak energy use period
8:30 is peak energy use period
9:00 is super peak energy use period
9:30 is super peak energy use period
10:00 is peak energy use period
10:30 is peak energy use period
16:00 is peak energy use period
16:30 is peak energy use period
17:00 is super peak energy use period
17:30 is super peak energy use period
18:00 is peak energy use period
18:30 is peak energy use period
Mon £2.35
Total cost for Mon Jul 31 was £2.35
🕖 £0.68
By 7:00 on Tue Aug 01 cost was £0.68
8:00 is peak energy use period
8:30 is peak energy use period
9:00 is super peak energy use period
9:30 is super peak energy use period
10:00 is peak energy use period
10:30 is peak energy use period
16:00 is peak energy use period
16:30 is peak energy use period
17:00 is super peak energy use period
17:30 is super peak energy use period
18:00 is peak energy use period
18:30 is peak energy use period
Tue £2.27
Total cost for Tue Aug 01 was £2.27
🕖 £0.80
By 7:00 on Wed Aug 02 cost was £0.80
8:00 is peak energy use period
8:30 is peak energy use period
9:00 is super peak energy use period
9:30 is super peak energy use period
10:00 is peak energy use period
10:30 is peak energy use period
16:00 is peak energy use period
16:30 is peak energy use period
17:00 is super peak energy use period
17:30 is super peak energy use period
18:00 is peak energy use period
18:30 is peak energy use period
Wed £2.59
Total cost for Wed Aug 02 was £2.59
🕖 £0.71
By 7:00 on Thu Aug 03 cost was £0.71
8:00 is peak energy use period
8:30 is peak energy use period
9:00 is super peak energy use period
9:30 is super peak energy use period
10:00 is peak energy use period
10:30 is peak energy use period
16:00 is peak energy use period
16:30 is peak energy use period
17:00 is super peak energy use period
17:30 is super peak energy use period
18:00 is peak energy use period
18:30 is peak energy use period
Thu £2.30
Total cost for Thu Aug 03 was £2.30
🕖 £0.68
By 7:00 on Fri Aug 04 cost was £0.68
8:00 is peak energy use period
8:30 is peak energy use period
9:00 is super peak energy use period
9:30 is super peak energy use period
10:00 is peak energy use period
10:30 is peak energy use period
16:00 is peak energy use period
16:30 is peak energy use period
17:00 is super peak energy use period
17:30 is super peak energy use period
18:00 is peak energy use period
18:30 is peak energy use period
Fri £4.53
Total cost for Fri Aug 04 was £4.53
🕖 £0.87
By 7:00 on Sat Aug 05 cost was £0.87
Sat £9.70
Total cost for Sat Aug 05 was £9.70
🕖 £0.84
By 7:00 on Sun Aug 06 cost was £0.84
Sun £5.54
Total cost for Sun Aug 06 was £5.54
Y axis of graph
0 -
50 -
X axis of graph
Aug 1
Our energy use is still a lot lower than my friends. Ro who has a similar house and a family of four is double ours, and Dave who has a bigger older house and family of five and tropical pets that need keeping warm is four times. I think we're doing well.
Was also surprised how much mortgage one friend has left when he recently retired, glad we're not in that boat .
⬅️ Have not even got to the Center Parcs bit yet :: Health stats 7/8/23 ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.