Blog2023 ≫ Lovely clear view across The Channel today

Lovely view across the Channel today

Apart from that an ordinary day weather wise. Wet on the ground, a bit windy, not the weather of late July.

We went out for a walk twice, at lunch and then after work. Work as busy as ever. The boys had some quite big screen breaks today really, and they enjoyed it. One did some more Star Wars Lego and the other one baked a cake. I tried to get him to hold on until tomorrow and then call it Clare's birthday cake for the next day, but he wasn't having it. I already put him off once, he wanted to do some baking yesterday, but the place was in too much of a mess.

One more day of work and then a day off, and we have a meal booked at The Waterfront in Hythe, looking forward to that. Have the whole day off with not too much to do, so going to take the boys into town. T1 needs some new trainers, they probably both do really.

Taking them out to give Clare some time to pack for our holiday the following day. This is another one of those paragaraphs that I'll originally write as a hidden comment and then come back and set it free after the holiday. I found my previous write up oof Bath and it looks like some of those places are still there. Green Rocket Cafe we will try and visit again, it's vegan. Also The Stable for cider and pizza. I remember us going in there before but I mixed it up with when we went in another one of this small chain in Bristol and I don't think it was as good. This time it will be good. They had eighty different kinds of cider, and last time we only had the one. So seventy-nine to try this time. And they do pizza for everyone, vegan pizza for me. Still got more pubs to find. I seem to have liked The Old Green Tree, 12 Green St, Bath BA1 2JZ, so I hope I can get there again.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.