Blog2023 ≫ Busy week

VERY busy week of work, Friday especially. I was juggling four different tasks on our "tech improvement day", but I think it all worked out in the end. I got out on time and straight to school for the PTA Summer barbecue. I'm not on the PTA any more but supported them by spending all my money. We had burgers, they had vegan burgers for the likes of me, and they were really good. I had some kind of squeezy vegan cheese on mine, and a couple of glasses of prosecco. They had card payment options for the first time, I hope it means they made a lot more money. Weather was really good for them. I did not spot the bottle of Prime that I gave for the tombola.

From the school fair straight to The Clarendon to meet some friends. News from there is that the team behind Luben have bought The Ship in Sandgate. Will be interesting to see what they do there. All their venues are great. Also Docker, the local craft beer and bread people have taken on The Inn Doors. It's all go in Sandgate.

This reminds me, there is a pizza oven going into the premises next to The Potting Shed. So possibly all go in Hythe too!

T1 in a very bad mood this morning. He doesn't have a volunteer role at this week's parkrun, so the deal is he has to run. He figures he "ran" once before so shouldn't have to do it. Still working on him. I'm not feeling 100% up for it (have not for months now) but we're going for it. I am going to have to bribe him with a dirty mcdonalds breakfast after. I have noticed he seems to come in with an ice-cream every time he goes out to do Couch To 5k with Clare...

After running today I'm dropping him off somewhere, and then going to Canterbury with T2 as he needs new school shoes. So we can get lunch somewhere, just the two of us. I'm thinking The Lady Luck, but we will see.

Just time for a coffee before we go, as we don't need to be there as early if we're only running...

Gigography, Mansun today in 1996. Not long now to actual live gigging again.

Guessing 1084 cups of coffee from my espresso machine1 probably comes to £1.31 a cup (including actual coffee and now servicing1 so not the 'leccy).

5k: Five km, about three miles in old money.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.