Blog2023 ≫ Shopping was a disaster

Two things I wanted out of our weekend in London, a new hoodie, and a sit down with a champagne cocktail. Didn't get either of those. I tried on hoodies in Covent Garden and couldn't decide. I didn't see exactly the ones I'd seen online, but I did get distracted by a third option from a company I'd never heard of. So no actual shopping completed there and we made to leave Covent Garden. From here we'd normally head to Zedel's and have a cheeky cocktail, but we knew we had to keep shopping. I thought Selfridge's would see me right for both of these. First we stopped for a little break in Seven Dials foodmarket. We got spritzes and sat for a while. Lots of different food and drink outlets in here wich a huge open central part with tables, very nice. Then we started walking towards Selfridges but Clare's back was hurting and we know how lazy the boys are, so thought we'd get a bus. We got on a bus and it was diverted or something and didn't go direct to Bond Street. Instead we got off at Knightsbridge and walked from there. Well out of our way, about an hour's diversion I'd say by the time we'd walked back through Hyde Park.

Map of our around London

We did see squirrels on the way, so not entirely a loss. But then, Selfridges was a bust. They had the two brands I was interested in, that I was choosing between, but they only had about five items of each. Selfridges is ridiculous. The tech department is very good though.

I tried again in John Lewis, but saw nothing, so we gave up. We went from here to a pub, The Phoenix, and luckily they were showing the football. Had not been in this pub before, it's on the corner of Margaret Street and John Prince's Street, round the back of John Lewis. We had pints and some dirty fries to keep up going. The boys had chicken wings and soft drinks of course.

My weekend report is all out of order here, but I wanted to get the shopping part out of the way as we're home now and I just bought a hoodie online, and here's a picture of it.

Arcteryx hoodie

And coincidentally I'm now collecting my takeaway dinner from The Phoenix, but a different one.

Today in 1994 I was at the Monsters Of Rock with Aerosmith and Slayer and loads of other bands that I don't remember, and The Wildhearts and Terrorvision that I do.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.