Blog ā‰« 2023 ā‰« Run stats 27/5/23 - 7'15/K

šŸš¶ 16771 steps ā¤ļø 57 bpm 69.7掏 23.0% fat

your daily target Best ever daily steps: 38155 on Sat, Sep 14, 19 Monday was the best since Sun, Jan 22's 28137 10įµ - 20įµ - 30įµ - 57 bpm ā¤ļøŽ 37% stress 69.7掏 10710 my target 7904 Thu, May 18 13415 Fri, May 19 20836 Sat, May 20 9872 Sunday 22989 Monday 8612 Tuesday 7806 Wednesday 2123 days of data 5938 Thursday 11269 Friday 16771 Saturday

5k: Five kilometres, just over three miles in old money.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.