My work I did last night seems to have worked well, so that's good. But then at the start of proper work there was some sort of issue blocking my access to things I needed until about 4pm. I could do almost nothing all day. I did manage to volunteer for a 5am start tomorrow testing something that's going live, so - what do you know - that gets me out of going to London. I almost could test that and then make a train to get in, but I don't think anyone else is going to be in either. Lots of people doing some training, which I'm doing the following Thursday. I opted for the fully remote training, so hoping that gets me out of going that day too.
I actually really like going to London, but it's all the set up for it that takes a stack of time. I'd have to be booking tickets and taking the car down the road tonight, as well as maybe having tomorrow's shower today and going to bed early. As it is I can roll out of bed just before five and start in my pyjamas.
I'm going into London for another social on Monday, quite looking forward to that. It's a memorial for a friend, and I haven't seen the friends we have in common in a very long time so it might be a bit odd. Taking the afternoon off for it though, should be good.
So that's tomorrow sorted, and Monday, so what else? Making plans to go out to the Clarendon in Sandgate after work tomorrow as my usual Friday friend is not out on Friday. Saturday no plans other than parkrun, Clare is out Saturday night, so maybe a quiet one? Or maybe a cheeky afternoon walk to The Potting Shed. Sunday back to pump I think.
Then we're into the next week, and that's not just pay day week, it's profit share pay day week. I am mostly clear of obligations (paid for the wall, still got some tax to pay, but that's safe, bought T1's birthday present) so if I treat myself then it's fully justified. I'm not going crazy but I might get a Keysmart like this1. I'm pleased with the charging cables I got from those guys, so worth a gamble.
That studio / garage / shop thing in Sandgate2 sold, so I won't be thinking about that. I will need another garage solution.
⬅️ Health stats 17/5/23 :: Brexit has failed, did you know? ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.