Blog2023 ≫ Two day Sunday

Up early, no pump class today, but took Clare to work. Shopping delivery coming at 11, then probably go into Hythe to get my hair cut. Drag the boys along, and probably go to the park while we're there. If it was just me I'd walk both ways but they're a bit too lazy so handy having the car. Then later the real reason is we're going to drive into Sandgate, Clare's going to walk back there from work, and we're all going to have curry for tea at Green Spice. Then Clare will drive back and I'll walk back, maybe via The Clarendon. Did not go out last night, we stayed in and all watched Jeeves And Wooster together. Then when everyone else had gone to bed I finished Magpie Murders. Very good, and I did guess who the killer was right from the beginning.

No plans for tomorrow yet.

Gigs today in history, The Lighthouse Family who I did not like in 1996, Athlete who I did not like in 2003, and The Fighting Cocks who I very much did like in 2004.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare and father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.