Blog2023 ≫ London friday done

Last night I dreamed there was a cat in our house and it kept doing big human-sized poos. I think it's partly because I've been living with this joke cat poo on my desk the past few months. I had to pick them up with the big tongs Clare uses for turning over bacon. In the dream.

Join me on my commute. Up early and drove to the station in plenty of time. Here I'm standing in the controlled parking zone that's close to the station and is resident permits only until 11am, and I can take a picture of the beetle that is just outside that zone. It's on a very steep hill and it's facing the right way home, so I can bump start it if I need to! This day has started like a dream. Not a dream about cat poo, a good dream.

I was early to the station and the early train was late, so I could have got it. But the early train was the slow train going into Charing Cross instead of King's Cross, so would have been a complete waste of my time. My train was a bit late, but all good. Sat in a section where people are trying to bags two seats. Put a stop to that.

Work was good, busy again though. I think I solved a problem that people have been leading me to believe was something I caused four weeks ago. We've been living with it for four weeks, no-one has been able to solve it. Today I think a) I solved it and b) I proved I wasn't the one who caused it. Well, not entirely. I'm the best.

Home for put-in-the-oven curry and Race Across The World. I ordered some wine in advance of pay day.

Four years ago today in 2019, Suede at Southampton Guildhall. Tomorrow I might well buy tickets for Suede at Portsmouth Guildhall. Or Brixton Acadamy. Or both. Definitely not Morrissey at Folkestone Leas Cliff Hall though. It's so rare that someone big comes here, and I love the Smiths, but I hate Morrissey, so that's a no.

Looking down Romney Avenue where I get free parking near the train station

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.