Let's have an embedded graph, haven't had one of these for a while. Except the build time graph the other day. And the regular pie chart of rock, and Saturday's exercise and health stats of course. But what I really mean is I haven't had a frozen in time energy usage graph that I can look back on. The one that is always on this page is always up to date, let's compare with how it was for this week, this easter day when I used the jet washer to clean the front path and the front door and the car, and Clare and T2 had the oven on for far too long cooking a lovely roast dinner and rhubarb crumble. The total energy costs for the day were exactly seven quid. That's probably super low by most people's standards, but it's reasonably high for us. It's not as high as the Saturday when I had the washing machine and tumble dryer on twice to do all the bedsheets.
I am hurting right now, as I've just done my third pump class. I picked up some slightly heavier weights for some of it, but still not as heavy as the lady who runs the class. And she's retiring soon so she must be older than me. Think I'll treat myself to a bath, see if that makes any improvement to how I ache tomorrow. The pain is good though it is the muscles breaking down and growing again, that's what happens apparently.
That reminds me I just booked the parking for our trip to Bath in the Summer. We're parking on someone's drive, not done that before.
I did go out last night too, to The Fountain. There was a ska and new wave covers band on and they were very good. All music from the early eighties. The beer wasn't bad in there either, though we only stopped for two. The place was very busy, lots of people having fun.
Going to relax for the rest of the day. The weather is quite bad, so that's good for the lawn. After I cut it I put down some lawn food. Also it's good for all the crap in the road that I washed off our path. I think the front of the house is looking good now. I could go back and have another go, do the path to the side, and maybe some of the drive? Then cut the lawn again next week and the hedge, didn't get round to that.
Hope we can watch Magpie Murders tonight on TV, I'm enjoying that. Also might finish my book today, Graves End, very good1, by William Shaw. Third or fourth one of these I've read, it's crime, and local. The characters did go to a pub we've been in in Stoke Newington though too.
I mixed up my gigography yesterday, it wasn't twenty-five years ago for the Black Crowes, that was only 2001, so twenty-two years. It is a quarter of a century ago today that I went to Kula Shaker though at Kentish Town Forum (aka The Town And Country Club). I've done a little more fiddling about with the gigography, fixed the ordering, and the metadata (for linking gigs and old blog posts) and found another gig I'd missed. Still can't make a big impact on the site build time, but it's not so bad.
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.