Blog2023 ≫ The pressure is on

Pressure cooker is on, doing some arrabiata sauce for us. I already cooked sausages in it, and I used it yesterday to do our curry sides. Using the Ninja cooker every day still. Oh yes, we have swapped around Monday and Tuesday dinner, crazy I know. Clare as meant to be late at work yesterday, but in the end it was cancelled.

Pressure off slightly at work maybe? Just hearing that one of the other teams that I have been having a "we're ready, are you sure you are ready?" contest with might not be ready after all... It's all going well though, exciting stuff.

T2 is at a hockey festival today, he had to take shin pads and a gum shield. I hope he does not come home too bruised. T1 has football too, I think that is losing it's shine a bit.

Ooh I have a stye in my eye. It looks grim, but it will pass. Possibly it is stress and overwork. Coincidentally just saw a picture of me three years ago today also with a bad eye, recovering from the cataracts operation.

Fifteen years ago yesterday we were at The Cure, but nevermind that THIRTY YEARS AGO TODAY I was at The Wedgewood Rooms to see The Little Angels. I listen to the singer sometimes now doing a show on Planet Rock radio station.


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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.