I did double treadmill to get over the 5km today. I remember thinking I am up early enough probably, could I go for a run before anyone else is up?", but then I also remember thinking I was on a train, so probably it was all a dream. It was like a standard anxiety dream about trying to get somewhere and not being able to, but then that really happened to us before christmas so that made it seem more realistic. There was a bit about not having a ticket for the leg of the journey we were on too, so mundane. It's the not drinking that messes with sleep for a bit.
I don't have to go into London this week, because of the train strike. This is good, because I'm overdrawn anyway. I was overdrawn by the weekend, that cheeky Pizza Express did it, and then as today is the first working day of the month there was council tax and then an energy bill too, so I'm properly in the red. Just have to limp on until pay day Friday and then it's all good again. And then hopefully no huge outgoings for a while? It's absolutely fatal saying that of course, the roof will come off or something. Or even more expensive, Clare will call me on the big gift I did not buy her for christmas... As long as only those two things happen I should be OK.
I had already planned to buy a new filter for the coffee machine, and maybe a new shirt, and maybe a new record box. These are not big things. The shirt appears to be sold out though now1, I have procrastinated too long. Ooh but there is another one2! I was only looking on snowandrock.com because I have liked a lot of stuff there, I did not think to look directly on passenger-clothing.com. Oh yes, come pay day I'm going to order something, and even if it's not exactly like the old bedspread that Clare won't let me have indoors, it's going to be reminiscent of the old bedspread Clare won't let me have indoors. T2 says it looks like a flying carpet. He didn't mean that in a good way but I like it.
Speaking of T2, he is back from the first day of term now and it all went OK. T1 is not back yet, he's going to football after school, and then grandpa is bringing him back home. Clare is on one of her pattern of lates, so when he comes in it's just oven curries for us and then argue about he TV.
I saw an amazing thing today, this spectacularly overengineered solutiont o putting the recycling out3.
5k: Five km, just over three miles to you.
⬅️ Run stats 3/1/23 - 5'40/K :: The record player has been promoted upstairs again ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed and dad to two, I'm a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.