Blog2022 ≫ Is it me and the boys who run up the energy bills?

Haven't embedded an energy graph into a post for a while, but look see what happened when the boys and I were away for a few days. Energy usage in the house halved. I know she had a microwave dinner yesterday, and the boys had soup, also in the microwave. See there is no tea-time spike of energy usage that you get when the oven goes on. I'm saying she probably had something in the oven on Friday, and microwave again on Thursday. We should cook all our meals in the microwave.

Energy usage graph, electricity and gas - 🕖 is cost at getting up time... Graph line from 2.71 to 91.31p last week p last week Graph line from 2.5 to 79.7p p 🕖 £0.88 By 7:00 on Sun Oct 23 cost was £0.88 Sun £6.52 Total cost for Sun Oct 23 was £6.52 🕖 £1.05 By 7:00 on Mon Oct 24 cost was £1.05 Mon £5.57 Total cost for Mon Oct 24 was £5.57 🕖 £0.99 By 7:00 on Tue Oct 25 cost was £0.99 Tue £7.64 Total cost for Tue Oct 25 was £7.64 🕖 £1.00 By 7:00 on Wed Oct 26 cost was £1.00 Wed £6.79 Total cost for Wed Oct 26 was £6.79 🕖 £1.02 By 7:00 on Thu Oct 27 cost was £1.02 Thu £3.82 Total cost for Thu Oct 27 was £3.82 🕖 £0.98 By 7:00 on Fri Oct 28 cost was £0.98 Fri £3.92 Total cost for Fri Oct 28 was £3.92 🕖 £0.85 By 7:00 on Sat Oct 29 cost was £0.85 Sat £3.49 Total cost for Sat Oct 29 was £3.49 Y axis of graph 0 - 50 - X axis of graph Oct 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

I think tonight we're going out for dinner somewhere, maybe Luben, maybe Conchitas. Never been to Conchitas and it's supposed to be good, but I bet we end up at Luben again.

Wondering about getting someone in to paint our house. I am unlikely to do it well myself. We were discussing how nice Mum and Dad's house is, and how scruffy our house is, and then how theirs is always being redecorated and having new things, and maybe we should redecorate and have new things.

I would like a wooden feature wall in my study, some reclaimed planks to make it look a bit like a shed. This is unlikely to make the place look less scruffy, but I've been thinking about it for a while. Wondering if I can run clever cabling behind it too. Needs some thought.

Ooh Conchitas is actually booked, so we are going there. Hope it's good.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.