Blog2022 ≫ It is quiet

Clare is doing her last of this block of lates, but it still feels too quiet just to be that. Wait a minute, there is only one child here! I have lost one!

T2 went off on his school trip to Windmill Hill this morning, where he's stying away for two nights. It is a residential centre, sleeping in bunkbeds in dormitaries, but I'm sure it's the name of the Indian burial ground that they built Arkham Asylum on in Gotham... Anyway I had to take him down there at 8am this morning, with his massive backpack on. Actually my massive backpack. It's full to the brim, he has a bigger load for two days than I did for my entire midlie eurotour. We heard that they got there safely, but I've not heard anything since. They'll be raft building and falling in rivers and things, and back again Friday afternoon. Missing him.

As I was up early to take him I didn't have time to have a shower this morning, so have worked all day looking like I just got out of bed. Good thing about working from home.

Just me and T1 in this evenng then. We ate vegan steak bakes and are watching Match Of The Day.

Work very busy again, every day is busy at the moment. The morning dealing with a security incident which seems to be the fallout of a decision I made about a year and a half ago. And then the rest of the day dealing with things that people swear have not changed, but are just no longer working like they were before. Still if I can keep the ratio of "things I fixed" to "things I broke" in my favour I should survive.

Into London tomorrow, going to walk up to the station for a bit of a change. I am going to go OUT to the pub after work, where a friend MJ Hibbett is doing a gig. It works out nicely me already being in London, no reason not to go out, it will be good. I will be getting a late train back and then another walk, I will certainly get my steps in.

💬 MJ Hibbett album launch

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.