Blog2022 ≫ Thank goodness the tories are clamping down on solar power

Good grief what is Liz Truss up to, does she get up every day and spin a wheel-of-stupid or something?

Busy day at work, got a load of things that should be finished by tomorrow, and they are not quite.

Busy day at home too, it's that time when Clare is doing nights. It is hectic and the week is slightly skewed for everyone. I have not made the tea yet1 but it's in the oven. They will just about eat before bedtime.

Strangelove twenty five years ago today, was that the time when I thought I had broken my elbow?

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed and dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.