Blog2022 ≫ First graph of the new energy rates

It looks like just a busy day of oven and tumbler dryer usage, but I don't think we actually did anything. My "wake up" costs, how much it'd cost us by 7am was 95p yesterday, compared to a 60 - 70p normal. We're going to see ten pound days when there is laundry to be done, goodness knows what it'll be like when the heating goes on. I'm keeping the thermostat at eighteen degrees or lower, and we're all wearing jumpers.

£6.66 for the day, the energy bill of the beast 🤘.

Energy usage graph, electricity and gas - 🕖 is cost at getting up time... Graph line from 1.42 to 58.78p last week p last week Graph line from 1.71 to 43.17p p 🕖 £0.60 By 7:00 on Sun Sep 25 cost was £0.60 Sun £4.57 Total cost for Sun Sep 25 was £4.57 🕖 £0.63 By 7:00 on Mon Sep 26 cost was £0.63 Mon £2.97 Total cost for Mon Sep 26 was £2.97 🕖 £0.72 By 7:00 on Tue Sep 27 cost was £0.72 Tue £3.58 Total cost for Tue Sep 27 was £3.58 🕖 £0.74 By 7:00 on Wed Sep 28 cost was £0.74 Wed £4.40 Total cost for Wed Sep 28 was £4.40 🕖 £0.69 By 7:00 on Thu Sep 29 cost was £0.69 Thu £3.00 Total cost for Thu Sep 29 was £3.00 🕖 £0.70 By 7:00 on Fri Sep 30 cost was £0.70 Fri £3.56 Total cost for Fri Sep 30 was £3.56 🕖 £0.95 By 7:00 on Sat Oct 01 cost was £0.95 Sat £6.66 Total cost for Sat Oct 01 was £6.66 Y axis of graph 0 - 50 - X axis of graph Sep 26 27 28 29 30 Oct 1 2 I still need to make a Scramble type video [game](/wiki/#game) out of that graph.
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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.