Blog ≫ 2022 ≫ Reduced my energy usage compared to last week

It's a bit of an effort really but worth it over the long term. Not sure how much longer I can keep up limiting the amount of washing I do, that's a definite. I think I've done less this week, so less energy used, but then less clean clothes. That's not sustainable. I've been able to avoid using the tumble dryer all week too as the weathers been nice, so everything's on a rack1 I have to do a couple of loads of washing today. I've made a graph of previous week compared to this week, and this will keep rolling here too. It's a technique I learned at work this week to compare previous week in the same graph (grab two weeks of data, map the first week to shift the date forward by seven days and put it all on the same graph). Going to drop an archived graph in here2.

Also on energy saving and DIY, I have a remote controlled socket to fit. I can use that to stop leaving my Sonos speakers and monitor in the study on standby. Need to move some heavy furniture to sort that out though! Maybe I'll fit it to the soft drinks fridge instead... I wonder what is using the most energy? Neither of them are going crazy, when I compare our usge to friends usage.

Also this week I learned the Jira API, so going a bit crazy with that. Auto generating tickets based on recurring tasks, that is going to be a real benefit. Also I can reinstate my "jiras as post-it notes" that were so popular last year. I don't have to do them manually any more!

Energy usage graph - πŸ•– is usage at getting up time, just curious Kwh πŸ’‘ last week graph line Kwh πŸ’‘ last week Kwh πŸ’‘ graph line Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.52 Sun Β£2.87 8.3Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.62 Mon Β£3.45 10.3Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.67 Tue Β£3.40 10.1Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.68 Wed Β£3.53 10.6Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.64 Thu Β£3.30 9.8Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.65 Fri Β£3.72 11.2Kwh πŸ’‘ πŸ•– Β£0.66 Sat Β£3.68 11.1Kwh πŸ’‘ 0 - 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26
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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.