Blog2022 ≫ I broke something at work

I got a lovely text from a friend at work at about half nine on Monday "someone had to revert the change you made, it caused an issue", gah. I was so careful, but somehow made a mistake in a piece of work. It's an unusual one too, in that not many people have access to it, so I did not get it reviewed. I did show everyone I'd done it, I did the work during a team meeting and was able to say "look, tada, the only remaining traffic on our legacy system is now gone, we can turn it off!". Only I'd sent that remaining traffic to the wrong place, a test system, so it didn't work. It's going to be ok though, it was low traffic, and we will improve the systems to limit the chances of anyone else making this mistake.

I left my alarm on "going to London" time today, even though I'm not going to London, and I even woke thing one up before I looked at the time.

I saw an advert on TV for energy meters generally, and they showed someone turning off their devices at the wall and seeing their hourly rate go down from 32p to 28p. Mine is on four or five pence an hour and I'm still trying to get that down! Everything is quite low energy anyway. That four or five pence is with the TV still on and the fridges and freezers and things like the wifi too. So they must be quite low energy. I still have some devices in the study that are on standby too, because the sockets are behind the bureau, so I must be able to get it down lower.

Pay day tomorrow. I hope.

Today in 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, and 1999 I'd have been at Glastonbury I think! And on into the 2000s too a bit. I wish I was there this year. You just iknow someone's going to be bringing Kate Bush on stage with them don't you. They're all trying to do it. My money is on Billy Eilish. I will be watching this year's on TV.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.