Blog2022 ≫ Is he gone yet?

Mouse man has been back, with a new delivery of mice. No I hope not, but he came and did whatever he does. There had been some nibbling of whatever treats he left for them under the kitchen unit, and there was one mouse victim for sure. Only the one though. I think it will prove to have been overkill getting a professional in. I panicked a bit, and it has cost me two hundred quid. One more visit and we'll see what happens then.

Octopus Energy also came today to fit new smart meters. The electricity was only off for about twenty-five minutes, so no work disruption. They have left a little energy monitor that will tell me how much my electricity and gas is costing me, but it is not showing anything yet. It connects to the meters using Zigbee apparently, just like my light bulbs, but it's not showing up on my home automation apps.

Work a bit busy today, got called into another potential issue that turned out to be something quite small. Still, on calls just about all day and it was quite tiring.

Boys went back to school today, one tried not to for a bit, but it was all fine.

Today is the first proper day of dry-june-ueary. I started the not drinking on Saturday actually, but then went to the Inn Doors again yesterday. Today is when it starts in earnest, no more booze until July. We sat up and watched the first two episodes of the new series of The Outlaws, really good, I would have binged the whole series if it was available.

I think the road to getting rid of Boris Johnson is still quite long isn't it... his own people are voting on their confidence in him today, he's probably going to win that one. There are a lot of people within his own party who believe he has constantly lied on all topics and ought to go, but maybe not enough of them. I am not sure what is best for the rest of us, if he goes now and the party collapses in on itself, or if he stays and the country votes him out. Either way he hasn't got that long left, surely.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.