Blog2021 ≫ Surely the last todo list of 2021?

I updated my todo list, as I finally got round to listing my lightwaverf stuff1. Well some of it anyway. I put ten things up today and ran out of oomph. So there are sockets, switches, wifi link hub and energy monitor up there. Just getting rid of these things now will be great, seeing them recycled. I have some other items new in boxes to list if this stuff goes.

I've moved the chair to "doing" as I do actually have an IKEA chair I quite like2 in the basket. Clare says not to buy it, there is no room. I mentioned earlier though about getting rid of the boy's gaming chair - this makes room! Even if I have only moved it to another room for now. When my share money comes in in a few weeks I'm getting that chair. Then I will figure out how to make it match the room later. Maybe a cushion, or maybe some integrated lights to make it look teal instead of grey...

Still no movement on the beetle, and I will leave "wall mount the TVs" for the new year, but older items like "clean the house" have now disappeared.

🏠 ✅ IKEA mood button on treadmill 🏠 DOING sell all the lightwaverf hardware 🛒 DOING wing back chair (IKEA) 🏠 🆕 electrician - wall mount tvs 🏠 🆕 restore beetle (fix the rust)
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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Married + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.