Blog2021 ≫ Someone likes hospital food

Thing one took a turn for the worse mid-afternoon yesterday, so I had to face up to it. No it's not just a bug that's going round, it's the same thing he had last time (last times). I stuck to my guns this time, did not call the doctor or 111 and just went straight to A&E. I think it worked. It was busy, but we were seen fairly quickly and we were out again with new antibiotics within about two and and half hours. So glad they didn't keep us in, though thing one was not so sure. He is used to feeling better when he comes out of hospital, and this time we headed home again still feeling rough. Not as rough as he would have done on the way in if we'd jumped through the hoops of doctor's phone calls, 111, etc, wasting twenty-four hours and getting worse before being seen.

He has not had a good night but hopefully the drugs will kick in, and we'll have no more problems for a few weeks at least.

We didn't even get any hospital food. We both took a bag, I was sure we were going to be admitted, especially turning up at that time.

Got a wine delivery turning up today! My new pants and t-shirts arrived yesterday. I like ordering things not from amazon, not next day delivery. It means my pay day treats are spread out throughout the month. It's just IKEA that needs to sort it out, if I order anything from there on pay day it arrives around the next pay day. I need to find some companies who sell nice things that I need, but with a two to four week delivery time.

Thirty-one years ago today I went to an Under Neath What show at the Astoria, and heard about a secret Metallica show at the Marquee. And stayed at the Under Neath What show at the Astoria. I mean I liked Under Neath What a lot but wonder if I made the right decision.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.