Blog2021 ≫ Fixed my SVG preview images

Super obscure one this really, less interesting than usual. I like to generate graphs from my exercise stats, like below, but usually looking better than this. I also like to generate a "preview" images for pages if I can, so if I share a link to one of these pages somewhere like I did here1 then we get a nice little preview image. These graph images I make though are not quite the same, so it didn't work. I found a nice thing2 to turn that kind of image to the right kind of image, but it didn't quite work, as I was using nested SVGs. It's legit, but not supported by that thing that changes the image type. So last night I stayed up too late again, face into the screen, changing my graphs to get rid of those. It nearly works! I also had to lose the colour gradients too temporarily as they need to be done differently. But, we have a graph, and it appears on this page, and it will appear if you were to share the link to this post on twitter or facebook or other places.

Nest steps improve the style of the graphs again, then make sure my todo list works in the same way. Then maybe get those coronavirus graphs I've been thinking about for a while. Busy at work first though!

Best ever daily steps: 38155 on Saturday, September 14, 2019 Saturday was the best since Sat, Apr 17's 24361 your daily target 14093 Thursday 9542 Friday 16041 Saturday 8777 Sunday 20.4% fat 66kg 53 bpm ❤︎ 11720 my daily target 10k - 20k - 30k -
Country cases deaths
USA 32875045 586499
Brazil 14370456 392204
Mexico 2328391 214947
India 17625735 197880
UK 4406946 127434
Italy 3971108 119539
Russia 4771372 108588
France 5503996 103270
Germany 3307769 82344
Spain 3488469 77738

10k: Ten km, about six miles in old money. Sometimes talking about 10,000 steps though, an arbitrary daily step-count target.

20k: Twenty kilometres, just over twelve miles.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed and father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.