Blog2021 ≫ Pub updates (pubdates? pupdates?)

So the pubs opened today! Amazing enough in its own right, but they were open for the first time since I don't know when and I didn't go, maybe that's amazing too. I set my background for my work video calls to be the interior of the Inn Doors, that's as close as I got.

Actually it's not as close as I got, as I walked right past The Fountain today, and it's garden was heaving. There were some free tables, I wonder if I could have just walked in, or if they were booked. It was too cold for me really - thought it was a beautiful bright and clear evening - and I think I have a bit of a cold. Maybe it's coronavirus.

Anyway a quick survey of pubs out and about, from my post-work pre-dinner walk:

More pub news as I pass by more pubs. Hoping to get to one at some point at the weekend.

Thing one was not 100% this morning, but he perked up a bit after some calpol. I hope the ongoing antibiotics are absolutely going to knock this on the head.

One more thing, one of our neighbours has had their balcony removed. It's only temporary, was it just so as to replace the patio doors? Or is it to replace the actual balcony? I think ours is going to need some maintenance at some point, now will it be an option to replace it with something that looks a little bit nicer? Other houses nearby have got "frameless" balconies and they look really good. I will see what goes back up.

Country cases deaths
USA 31870727 575553
Brazil 13445006 351469
Mexico 2272064 209161
India 13355465 169305
UK 4368045 127080
Italy 3754068 113923
Russia 4632688 102649
France 5023785 98574
Germany 2992803 78858
Spain 3347512 76328

Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + Mexico + India + UK + Italy

popex graph Graph line from 4417.0 to 27759.0🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Graph line from 2195.0 to 20045.0🇧🇷 🇧🇷 Graph line from 1770.0 to 10676.0🇲🇽 🇲🇽 Graph line from 565.0 to 8514.0🇮🇳 🇮🇳 Graph line from -3671.0 to 9844.0🇬🇧 🇬🇧 -3571 deaths? 🇬🇧 readjusted figures here! Graph line from 39.0 to 5897.0🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Y axis of graph 0 - 5000 - 10000 - 15000 - 20000 - 25000 - X axis of graph May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug '20 Sep '20 Oct '20 Nov '20 Dec '20 Jan '21 Feb '21 Mar '21 Apr '21


⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare and father to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.