Blog2021 ≫ One out of hospital, one in hospital

As thing one was being discharged from hospital, dad was being admitted! It's all go. They have figured out what was up and are dealing with it now and everything will be fine.

Our boy is quite back to normal today, shooting up his friends on Fortnite right now. I had a bit of a lie-in for a week day, and have been on the treadmill, and now trying to set up that new gizmo I bought1. It looks like it won't recognise my lights while they are already connected to another device, so I've removed the lights in the study just to try this out. Once that's done I'm hoping it can work in conjunction with the IKEA and Google Home apps I already have. It's mainly the study I wanted this extra control for, so I can get the PIR not to turn the lights off again after five minutes here.

I might dismantley the actual bunkbeds today, take it down to a single bed in that bedroom, it'll make it easier when the new high sleeper thing arrives. I'm wondering if it might be tricky to do this, I think I might need that Fubar demolition bar2 from my shopping list to prize it apart. Mostly it just unscrews but I think to lift the top bunk off the bottom it has big dowels for extra support rather than screws or hexagonal bolts. I will find out!

Happy birthdays to Kez and Rob, as happy as they can be with all this going on.

I was at a Motorhead gig thirty years ago today.

Shares are absolutely bombing at the moment, over all including ISA fees, I've lost money now since starting this. It will recover, and if I hadn't bought the shares I would have just spent the money and have nothing to show for it, at least here I have just about all the money. I'm 0.6% down. I did buy some bitcoin a month or two ago, and that is doing really well, it's up about 30% since then. Unfortunately I only put the odd £30 that was in my Revolut "beer money that I can pay with my Garmin watch" account, rather than £30,000, but still.

Thinking about taking the premium bonds money out and paying off the mortgage, then taking the mortgage payment money and paying that back into the premium bonds. The mortgage interest is not much, about £50, but that not much could be going into my funds instead of bank profits. With interest rates being so low there are fewer premium bond prizes, so I've not had anything since October. If I was winning £50 a month or so it'd be balancing out, but I'm not.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.