Blog2020 ≫ My step count is not always updating like it used to

Not that important but my step count reporting on here is a bit off. Saturday's graph looks quite poor, though I'm hitting a reasonable amount each day. I'm not getting to the 13k limit I set myself in January, but it's been hard to get back into the regular exercise recently. Can't get enough time outside, there's none of the general walking about, so it's only what I can do with the boys, and if I can get a walk or a run in on my own. Not been using the treadmill recently. I am keeping fit though, we did the Joe Wicks workout again today.

Boys are doing some schoolwork, Clare is on a work video call from the balcony so I'm going to take a quick look at that popbitch project...

I've done some new metalsmith work too, on a inlining and minifying plugin that I'm going to put live on this site soon. You won't notive any difference but it just removes a step in the build of this static site.

A high of 17° today, the balcony will be calling me soon.

Watched another Poirot last night, we have started the TV series again from the beginning. It's good to have a project during this time of furlough. I still have my painting stuff out but have not finished the woodwork in the hallway or downstairs loo. I couldn't get masking tape, see, it is a non essential item, so it's hard for me to finish. I'm not just procrastinating, oh no...

Country cases deaths
USA 792759 42514
Spain 200210 20852
Italy 181228 24114
France 155383 20265
Germany 147065 4862
UK 124743 16509
Turkey 90980 2140
Iran 83505 5209
China 82747 4632
Russia 47121 405


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.