Blog2020 ≫ On the run again

A high of 9° and a low of 4° out there, sunny but a little fresh. Just right for running! So after Joe Wicks this morning I did. Felt like a reasonable run, but was about five minutes slower than my best 5k, I am way out of practice.

Just over 5k, 25'58, see my route1. These get posted to the twitter automatically too2, this might be an interesting way to track my furlough hairstyle.

Clare is working from home today, an extra day of work because there were various conference calls going on. The boys did homework this morning, have had an hour of gaming, and are eating their lunch while watching TV now. I will take them out for a walk / bike / scoot and then bring them back for more gaming while I go and do the shopping. Not looking forward to that it's a bit of an epic task. The shops themselves have been quieter once you get inside. I still have to do two shops, our big list and then Jim's feeble selection of salad pots and cat food too.

I did paint the en-suite door yesterday, so sort of an achievement. For my next task I have moved the painting stuff into the downstairs loo, and I have done some masking of the hallway, but am in no great rush to actually start painting down there. Shopping is enough of a job today.

Still reading, enjoying the second Hunger Games book. It is really a kids book but I might as well read the three of them now. Thing one already spoiled it for me a bit like he tried to spoil the first one by telling me something that "it is obvious it's going to happen"...

Author Book Thoughts
Ian Rankin Westwind3 Dated thriller, shame.
Ian Rankin Doors Open3 Really good crime caper in Edinburgh but with no Rebus.
Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games3 Borrowed from the children, very good.
Suzanne Collins Catching Fire3 Hunger Games part 2, not really started yet.

Obviously trusting the coronavirus numbers less and less now that it's been publicly acknowledged these figures only include deaths in hospitals. There might be this many again from people dying in care homes. What about people who didn't make it to hospital and died at home?

Country cases deaths
USA 586941 23640
Spain 170099 17756
Italy 159516 20465
France 136779 14967
Germany 130072 3194
UK 88621 11329
China 82160 3341
Iran 73303 4585
Turkey 61049 1296
Belgium 30589 3903

I wonder when the UK will top this chart...

5k: Five kilometres, just over three miles to you.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.