Blog2020 ≫ Hot day

HOT out there today, 20 degrees, lovely for April. We all did Joe Wicks workout again, then I set the boys some English work to do and went out for a walk. Thing two wrote a poem about the Joe Wicks workout that I will find and transcribe later. Then I came back and set them some maths while Clare worked, they did some half-hearted crafts, and had a bike ride to Hythe and back and are now playing video games again. I'm sat on the balcony reading Hunger Games while Clare is now out for her authorised exercise. Looking forward to the "covid social" later, the name Ro has given to our group video call with beers.

My scraped table of stats from is working again. They have added more info that shows the USA has a lot more cases than the whole of Asia combined. They must be very short of testing and reporting in India or something for that to be the case. Germany still doing somthing very right.

country cases deaths
USA 434927 14788
Spain 148220 14792
Italy 139422 17669
Germany 113296 2349
France 112950 10869
China 81802 3333
Iran 64586 3993
UK 60733 7097
Turkey 38226 812
Belgium 23403 2240

Chilli for tea.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.