Blog2020 ≫ Am I the strictest home schooling dad?

Interesting to hear more takes on this, I think we are not the strictest home school parents nor are we the most laid back. OK I have not told them it is actually school holidays right now, but we've only done about ninety minutes of schooling today and there won't be much more. I don't believe the tales of parents who are doing full days. How do you find the time? How do you do the hoovering and make the lunch and that? Even if we include doing Joe Wicks as part of the "home school day", and right now they're watching Top Class and then Newsround, and if I count that, and then if I count some creative work later it's still not a full school day.

Speaking of Joe Wicks, it made me ache doing it yesterday. It must be a good thing. I will be buff with massive muscles by the time this furlough is over.

Yesterday's creative time was good, thing two was designing a prosthetic arm, based on a thing we had seen on Operation Ouch. Picture below...

Also interesting to read about furloughing too, it sounds like a) it is not quite finalised yet, three times more taken up than expected, and not affordable for the country. Less affordable than the original unaffordable idea. Will we actually get paid..?

At least Clare is still working, and more than she was before, as the National Trust have furloughed a lot of staff.

Nice day out today "sunny and a gentle breeze, high of 16° and a low of 9°. Not been out yet, but will take the boys out this afternoon. Bikes along Princes Parade I think to plant the stones that they decorated yesterday. Nice yesterday too, I sat on the balcony for a bit and finished that non-Rebus Ian Rankin book and it was great. Now I'm reading The Hunger Games.

Last night our neighbourhood whatsapp group were talking about an 8pm "clap for Boris Johnson". I think we're in danger of clap hyper-inflation, and we should stick to just the one on a Thursday.

55242 coronavirus cases, and 6159 deaths. Soon we will overtake China in the number of cases, we already have in the deaths, this is crazy.

Incoming from Ryan in Australia, he says This is a better site for spotting trends 1. So far I have been loyal to Worldometers2.

Don't forget my new history puzzle quiz thing (needs a name), find the decades in the grid and work out the answer.


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, restaurants, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.