Blog2020 ≫ I have figured it out

Day three of coronavirus lockdown. The kids did Joe Wicks workout again, though this time thing one struggled and dropped out. Thing two was fine, though he puts slightly less into it. Clare did it but then went into work... School plan slightly skewed after this as we remembered during "English half hour" that Steve Backshall was doing a live Q&A on the youtube, and thing two is a super fan of his. So that pushed things back. Now they're on the trampoline, then in for maths, treadmill, science1, gaming, lunch, creative time outside time, then see if they earned any bonus gaming time after that.

I have come to terms with the coronavirus plan, and the outcome. We are definitely all going to get it, and nearly all of us will be fine. The only reason to limit the spread of it is not to stop people getting it, but to stop too many people who will get it seriously getting it at the same time and so taking up hospital resources at the same time. If lots of us got it to a critical level the hospitals couldn't cope (can't cope). So if we only get it a few hundred per day, then as the first people start to recover they will free up beds for the new people.

Starting to wonder if the rules from the government have not been left deliberately vague2 to make sure a steady trickle of people do keep getting it, recovering, building up immunity. But that is probably too clever. I am not insane and paranoid, everything is fine.

8077 coronavirus cases reported in the UK, 422 deaths and 135 recoveries so far.

Made a vegan chilli this morning and the boys are going to have that for tea too. I think I put too much chilli in it as I forgot we were all having it. I put less in than I would do for me, but more in than I would do for them.

No word from work yet on any change of plans, so I'll be on 50% time when I go back next week. I'm working Monday, Tuesday morning, and Friday. No sense in trying to leave early during these times, still no drinking for me (coronadryrus day 5).


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Married to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.